Paper One Part I Dialogue Communication Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that ...
汇学考研 2017-02-17
Passage Four 本文是一篇问题分析型论说文。文章首先指出了学术界的一个新现象:科学类论文的作者的数量在不断增加,而且这一现象给杂志和学术机构带来了不少麻烦。文章同时分析了几种解决办法是否可行。 The average number of authors on scientific pape...
汇学考研 2017-02-17
Passage Five 本文讲述的是几年前互联网兴起的年代美国白领阶级和企业高层管理者在上班着装上发生了变化,从保守的西装转为身着休闲装,而现在西装又再度流行,这一转变一方面由是出于作环境要求,着正装有利于创造工作气氛,另一方面是因为员工所接触的客户日益...
汇学考研 2017-02-17
Passage One Last week, I read a story about a 34-year-old British woman who is extremely afraid of metal forks. She’s been using plastic ones for 17 years because the sound of a fork rubbing against a panic attack. Strange, right? Bu...
汇学考研 2017-02-17
Passage One Sometimes a race is not enough. Sometimes a runner just wants to go further. That’s what happened to Dennis Martin and Brooke Curran. Martin, 68, a retired detective from New York City, took up running after his first wife die...
汇学考研 2017-02-17
不定项选择题 1.人权是指人之作为人所享有或应享有的权利。它的特点有( ) A、人权的普遍性 B、人权的基础性 C、人权的综合性 D、人权的非财产性 2.《专利法实施细则》规定,以书面形式申请专利,应当向国务院专利行政部门提交申请文件一式两份。这一规则...
汇学考研 2017-02-17
